Opening of GQMA annual meeting
Steffen König, President of the GQMA, opened the annual GQMA meeting exactly at 10:15 am in front of 120 attendees. Opening lecture was held by Dr. Oliver Onnuseit from the Federal Ministry of Health addressing current projects of the ministry like drug security, preventing the marketing of falsified drugs (securpharm), the environmental impact of drug manufacturing and the use of a new law of drug safety that is currently under development. Further talks address data integrity in drug development (Ingo Baumann, THESCON GmbH), computer validation (Barry McManus, empowermentge), disaster recovery (Angels Jiménez Carrera, ENVIGO), GDP and GMP supervision (Rico Schulze, Landesdirektion Sachsen) and GDP/GMP bureaucracy (Oliver Kaufmann, Phoenix Pharmahandel GmbH). The program is very concise and allows an in-depth introduction to these interesting subjects.