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Congratulations Katharina!
Katharina Maciejewski just achieved another big milestone in her career! Over the last two years she spent most of her evenings and nearly every saturday studying for her Bachelor of Professional Accounting (Staatlich geprüfte Bilanzbuchhalterin).
Katharina started her career at MLM in 2016 as our first apprentice as office management assistant (Kauffrau für Büromanagement).
In 2018 she finished her apprenticeship and was honored by the chamber of commerce and industry Mittlerer Niederrhein as one of the best of her class. Shortly after that she also finished her training to be an accountant and has been working as an accountant and office manager in our Mönchengladbach location ever since.
Way to go Katharina!
We are very proud of your achievements and are happy to have you in our team!